Carcosa is an online investigation tool which has been designed to cut out irrelevant search results and only display the best OSINT links.

Results are sorted into different ‘TABS’ to help find the most useful links quickly. The default TAB is ā€˜All resultsā€™ which is a small sample selection of results – results in this tab are for quick reference only and should not be used in isolation.

When clicked on the TABS will have an orange background. In the example below only results from ā€˜National News’ (UK) are being shown.

For each search it is recommended to click on every TAB as you might be surprised at what you find.

Example of results from search for ‘London’.

Other features include:

Result Sorting (tab located underneath search bar icon and tab menu) – Results are displayed in order of relevance by default. Clicking on the ‘sort by’ tab gives the option to display the results by date instead.

Image Search (tab located under search bar) – clicking on the ā€™imageā€™ tab will display image results only. TheseĀ  results can often lead to other sites / pages not picked up on a normal search.

Structured Data Link (located beneath individual result description) Click on the link within the results box and a text box will be displayed with useful meta data information from the matched website.

Search Google (located at the bottom of the results) this link will search Google using your inputted criteria.

Carcosa is a tool to assist with online-investigations and should be used in conjunction with your chosen surface search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo etc.) and any other relevant websites / tools.